Wheel of life goals
Wheel of life goals

wheel of life goals


Plus if we do that, perhaps we will not be paying enough attention to specifc areas of the wheel to create strong results.įor example, the work that goes into training for an ironman, or growing a business or completing a degree course all requires a significant amounts of time. In the real world, it can be difficult to spread all of our energy and attention evenly across all areas of the wheel of life. The goal of the wheel of life exercise is not to have a perfectly round wheel. However, the most successful people in life use that disparity as fuel each day to guide their actions and behaviours to increase the level they are playing at in each area of life.įor those of you who enjoy completing tasks and ticking boxes, look away now. Most people have spent time feeling both ways. – get fired up and motivated that you have that realisation and have the power to do something about it. – get upset and frustrated that area of your life isn’t where it should be. Ultimately, if you have a significant gap on any area of the wheel of life, you have two options. However, it could also mean you are doing really well, but still see yourself being a long way from your ideal result. Sure, it could potentially mean that you haven’t paid that area of your life much attention. If you have a low score, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, your expectation, what you see as a ten out of ten score, is the vision you have of yourself based on today’s mindset. The situation you find yourself in today is the result of the choices you made everyday before this one. The wheel of life represents the difference between where you are right now and where you see yourself ideally. As you will see, there are a number of stronger areas of life, but also a number of areas where development and improvement is possible. Take a look at the completed wheel of life example above. Once you have done this for all the different areas and have a score for each section of the wheel, you will be able to easily identify the areas of life you are doing well in, and those that potentially deserve some more attention. Often the instinctive response tells you something about how you feel about that particular area of life.įor each area on the wheel of life, ask the question – “how happy am I right now with my …?”

wheel of life goals

The process works by giving yourself a score from 0-10 on each area of the wheel of life. There are a number of other different wheels with different areas, so if you want to create your own, this is also another option. This particular wheel of life has 14 sections to it, comprising a number of the main areas of life that I believe are important.


There are a number of different version of the wheel of life exercise, and I’ve included my version to this article (feel free to print it off or share it). If you are about to set some goals, doing a general life review or want to know some different aspects of life to explore, the Wheel of Life can help you gain more of an insight into how a more rounded life can look. The Wheel of Life exercise is a great way to focus your attention on the areas of life that could benefit from some development.

Wheel of life goals